
Thank you for visiting. You can see more of my work on Instagram @drkenjen

If you connect to any of my photographs and are considering a purchase, I could send you 2/3 similar photographs that I have in my archive, so that you have a broader selection before you finalize your decision.

Please message for further details and/or the costs of the photographs and prints.


Ken Jennings is a psychologist living in Germany. Previously from South Africa, he has found the diversity of the landscape in Germany a photographer’s dream.

Ken believes that psychology and photography are interwoven. He approaches his photography from an ecological perspective and is mindful of the diversity of perspectives that exist in any situation. As a photographer, he feels that one does not stand separate from the landscape but rather as a participant and witness to the beautiful unfolding process that the landscape offers.

Ken contends that it is best to enter the landscape with an open, flexible and curious mindset that is able to respond to the changing nature of the environment. According to him, the challenge in photography is to be consciously awake so as to capture the present moment in a way that reflects how one has decided to frame reality. This is akin to how our assumptions, beliefs and attitudes frame our inner landscape to interpret or explain our experiences.